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Printing method for optimal single-stage goldstandard designs


# S3 method for OneStageGoldStandardDesign
print(x, ...)



An object of class OneStageGoldStandardDesign


additional parameters


returns the input x invisibly. This functions is used for its side effects, i.e. printing design characteristics to the screen.


# Should take about 2 second with the chosen accuracy
  alpha = .025,
  beta = .2,
  alternative_TP = .4,
  alternative_TC = 0,
  Delta = .2,
  mvnorm_algorithm = mvtnorm::Miwa(steps = 512, checkCorr = FALSE, maxval = 1000),
  nloptr_opts = list(algorithm = "NLOPT_LN_SBPLX", ftol_rel = 1e-03, xtol_abs = 1e-08,
                     xtol_rel = 1e-07, maxeval = 1000, print_level = 0)
 iteration: 1/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.25, 1.00)                                                                  f(x) = 946.9105                                                             
 iteration: 2/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.25, 1.00)                                                                  f(x) = 946.9105                                                             
 iteration: 3/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.25, 1.00)                                                                  f(x) = 946.9105                                                             
 iteration: 4/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.428125, 1.000000)                                                          f(x) = 961.2598                                                             
 iteration: 5/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2500, 1.7125)                                                              f(x) = 1056.666                                                             
 iteration: 6/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.428125, 0.287500)                                                          f(x) = 1507.581                                                             
 iteration: 7/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2945313, 1.3562500)                                                        f(x) = 968.3002                                                             
 iteration: 8/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3835937, 0.6437500)                                                        f(x) = 1018.988                                                             
 iteration: 9/1000                                                                   cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3167969, 1.1781250)                                                        f(x) = 945.7473                                                             
 iteration: 10/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.1386719, 1.1781250)                                                        f(x) = 1142.114                                                             
 iteration: 11/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3557617, 1.0445312)                                                        f(x) = 942.7458                                                             
 iteration: 12/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.400293, 1.044531)                                                          f(x) = 951.7809                                                             
 iteration: 13/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3557617, 1.2226562)                                                        f(x) = 948.9537                                                             
 iteration: 14/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3112305, 1.2226562)                                                        f(x) = 949.9056                                                             
 iteration: 15/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3334961, 1.1781250)                                                        f(x) = 945.294                                                              
 iteration: 16/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3334961, 1.0000000)                                                        f(x) = 940.0275                                                             
 iteration: 17/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3223633, 0.8886719)                                                        f(x) = 943.0804                                                             
 iteration: 18/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3557617, 0.8664062)                                                        f(x) = 952.3089                                                             
 iteration: 19/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3390625, 1.1001953)                                                        f(x) = 941.7243                                                             
 iteration: 20/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3167969, 1.0556641)                                                        f(x) = 939.3978                                                             
 iteration: 21/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2973145, 1.0612305)                                                        f(x) = 940.1934                                                             
 iteration: 22/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3112305, 0.9554688)                                                        f(x) = 938.7124                                                             
 iteration: 23/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2973145, 0.8831055)                                                        f(x) = 940.6196                                                             
 iteration: 24/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2945313, 1.0111328)                                                        f(x) = 938.7033                                                             
 iteration: 25/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2750488, 1.0166992)                                                        f(x) = 941.122                                                              
 iteration: 26/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2889648, 0.9109375)                                                        f(x) = 939.1165                                                             
 iteration: 27/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2959229, 0.9471191)                                                        f(x) = 938.3272                                                             
 iteration: 28/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2792236, 1.0027832)                                                        f(x) = 939.952                                                              
 iteration: 29/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3032288, 0.9672974)                                                        f(x) = 938.202                                                              
 iteration: 30/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3046204, 0.9032837)                                                        f(x) = 940.0546                                                             
 iteration: 31/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2970535, 0.9841705)                                                        f(x) = 938.2006                                                             
 iteration: 32/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3043594, 1.0043488)                                                        f(x) = 938.299                                                              
 iteration: 33/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3022503, 0.9900414)                                                        f(x) = 938.1766                                                             
 iteration: 34/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2960751, 1.0069145)                                                        f(x) = 938.5352                                                             
 iteration: 35/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3014403, 0.9772017)                                                        f(x) = 938.1401                                                             
 iteration: 36/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.3066371, 0.9830725)                                                        f(x) = 938.2095                                                             
 iteration: 37/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2994494, 0.9838960)                                                        f(x) = 938.1602                                                             
 iteration: 38/1000                                                                  cP1 <- x[1L] cC1 <- x[2L]                                                           x = c(0.2986395, 0.9710563)                                                        f(x) = 938.1456                                                             
#>  Optimization finished. Calculating final design with greater accuracy...
#> Sample sizes (stage 1): T: 412, P: 125, C: 403
#> Efficacy boundaries (stage 1): Z_TP_e: 1.95996, Z_TC_e: 1.95996
#> Maximum overall sample size: 940
#> Placebo penalty at optimum (kappa * nP): 0.0
#> Objective function value: 940.0
#> Type I error for TP testing: 2.5%
#> Type I error for TC testing: 2.5%
#> Power: 80.1%